Friday, October 2, 2015

I'm not someone who likes violent movies.

It's not a secret that I have a problem with movies that are violent for the sake of being violent.  Over the years I have had no desire to watch movies that I have found - based on the trailers - to be too graphic for my tastes. 

I don't think I would be able to stomach watching these movies from start to finish. Watching characters getting butchered for the sake of entertainment makes me sad and depressed. I don't understand why anyone would produce films like these.

So one might wonder why I decided to watch a movie called 'Kingsman'. After all, this film is not only super violent but also seems to be really unapologetic about it. Why would I voluntarily watch a movie like this then?

To be honest, I watched the film because I had no idea what I was about to see. All I knew was that it had Colin Firth in it, so I think I had a decent reason to watch it. He's awesome in just about everything that he's been in, so why not, I asked myself.

Besides, it wasn't obvious based on the trailers how violent the movie would be. I didn't find anything that  would have warned me about the level of violence in the film. The trailer for 'Kingsman' looked pretty good actually.

Yet, that's not how it went with the movie. Pretty much the first thing that happened in the film was that one of the characters got cut in half. This was just a massive turn-off that made me want to quit watching it. I did not see that coming at all.

It pretty much instantly made me feel bad inside. It reminded me about why I have a hard time watching movies that have purposeless violence in them.  It was just too much of an overkill and ruined the experience for me.

As a supposedly talented screenwriter, I don't think showing excessive violence is how you get the audience invested in the movie. It's not how you make us care about the characters, the story or about anything else concerning the film. It doesn't work that way.

I mean, even though there were some redeeming qualities with the movie, I couldn't help but to judge the film mostly based on the first five minutes. I had had enough and nothing could save the film, not even Colin Firth nor the great Michael Caine.

At least in my opinion, there are very few movies where the violence actually works in favor of the film. In the case of 'Kingsman', the excessive violence made the movie almost too difficult to sit through. It did not make the film any better.

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